/My thanks to all of you who have commented on my recent musings. Appears that you all prefer to write directly to me, so this defeats the idea of a conversation. Ah well. What is fast becoming apparent is that you are split into two camps: one which believes that Euroland does not have a reverse gear and thus will continue down the path to a closer union; and the other, which believes in some form of breakup.
I am now going to concentrate on two issues that I believe have to be addressed in order to tease out a truth here: First, the notion of Benedict Anderson's 'Imagined Communities' to understand where the idea of nationalism fits into the EU; and second, how the EU can possible deal with differing inflation rates among its member countries and still survive. I also want to assess whether Europe can be considered as an Optimal Currency Area, but I shall rely on Radu for this who has greater expertise in this area than me.